Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Red Lace

So I've started a different type of collage that, to anyone else, will look exactly like any of my others. These are done specifically for me, my style, and are made ONLY out of the things I am actually capable of buying and GOING TO buy someday soon.  This makes it immensely more fun for me. Since I can't purchase them yet, I can sort of "play dress up" in a sense like I would if I actually had them. 

I've also been designing my dream closet, which I guess is probably very sad and pathetic. I've been making basic grouping collages of which items I would actually buy to put IN that closet. :)  I wont show those in this yet though. This one is for my newest collage, which I'm in love with. This dress is everything I love about lace. Romantic, elegant yet comfortable and casual enough to pass for everyday wear. Its unique, sooooo me, and completely fills this niche of style that I apparently fit into at this point in my life. I guess my styles have reflected different eras of my life...and I am SO READY to get the clothes that truly reflect the "era" I'm in right now. I'm an adult, yet still young, much more sure of myself, comfortable in my life and very much in love and happy and content - yet still passionate and a pinch of ambition and adventurousness in there too.  I'm no longer hiding in all black and angry clothes, I'm not trying to fit in a pin-up niche, I'm not jeans and t-shirt teenager girl, I'm not trying to be overtly sexy to get attention, I'm just ME! Which is a wonderful feeling, I must say.  I've always ENJOYED fashion as a form of art my whole life, just in love with the textures and colors and gorgeous diversity fabric has to offer as an art form, but I've also always used clothing to hide behind or to attain some goal before. Now I can truly embrace it as an artistic expression of myself. And its exciting. I can't wait to REALLY get started, and toss all those clothes from years of just "making do" or forcing myself into a niche I didn't belong to.  It will be truly liberating to have clothing that completely and utterly speaks of who I am.  Maybe thats silly to most people, a lot of folks would say that you dont need clothing to express who you are, and see clothing as a shallow thing to love. But thats them. This is me. I certainly am myself whether my clothes express it or not, I know that. But I FEEL FANTASTIC when my clothing can show the bits of me that I can't say out loud. When I feel like I'm wearing a piece of art and I look down and see the most gorgeous fabric or design or color and it fills me with the same joy I get when I go into a Art Museum and see the most beautiful paintings. My reactions are the same.  And when something just fits me right, and I look good, I feel ten times more confident and I'm not sitting there worrying the entire day about the fact a zipper is pinching me or I have to pull my pants up every five minutes or something is on the verge of making me flash everyone around me. I prefer to feel good in all ways about my clothes.  Its certainly not the only thing in this world I love, or that expresses me, or that I get excited about. Its just one little aspect of my life I prefer to enjoy instead of stress about or ignore completely. Why not find joy in every part of life? Love the food you eat, love the place you live in, love the world outside, love the clothes you wear, how you look, the people in your life, the hobbies you have, the skills you were blessed with.  Love it all! This is just one way I do that! I have enough in my life thats full of fear and pain and disappointment and anger...I prefer to take up every inch of space that those AREN'T occupying and fill it with joy and passion and love.  
Yeesh, sorry, that turned into a rant.  On to the collage!!!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

I'd kill for this one

I'm in love with this next collage I did tonight.  I want this outfit soooooooo bad.  A touch of gypsy, a touch of sultry, some badass and some AWESOME.