Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Some More From Awhile Back

 This collage explores a sudden interest in mustard yellow. It seems to really work for some people. Probably not me. But I enjoyed exploring that color for this collage and outfit, at the least.  Another fall/winter skewed outfit. Something about a sweater-dress, tights, and trench-coat that just makes me ridiculously happy.
 This one I tried to use some pieces that I wouldn't normally use, like a dress with studded shoulders and unique vests that I don't have any experience with really in regards to outfits, normally. I've expanded my horizons since making this, of course.
This one is full of things I adore. Houndstooth, for one. Black everything. Badass wastbelts. Classy but edgy "fall style" I guess. Or just.......mememememememememe. I wish I owned this. I wish I could wear heels.  Arnt those blue ones just gorgeous? And matching gloves? Couldnt resist.

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