Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Day and Night Out on the Town

So for a change, I want to post some pictures of me. And clothes. More specifically, some outfits I got to try on while out on the town with my friend Michelle, and loved enough to take pictures of. I gotta say, I forgot how absolutely IN LOVE I am with the Buffalo Exchange store in Portland. I can't get over how much I love their clothes. Just some secondhand store with high standards (when your trying to sell that is - that's why we went there in the first place and they turned down every item!!!) and the most unique selection of any store...ever. Unique, but wearable in the real world. Its like everything you'd see everywhere, but with that one touch of character that makes it like nothing you'll ever see again. Its hard to see in the pictures a lot of the details that make these dresses what they really were, but that's okay. Here's to hoping I'll just go back and buy them soon!!

After I pay back Michelle for the things I DID get though. She got me a few items I felt I couldn't live without. Which of course I could've. But. Well. You know. Its a girl thing. A girl-in-the-midst-of-shopping-euphoria-thing. But thankfully 90% of the items there are below 20$. Which is another reason I adore that store. CHEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Woo. ......ok.
I don't normally like stripes, but I looove green and it had such a nice fit, cut, feel, and detail on the bust. Michelle picked this one out and I really hated leaving without it. Perfect summer dress. Almost a sweater-like material too, and I love sweater dresses! 

I adored this dress. We thought it was a shirt at first, but it turned out to be more tunic/dress-y. I don't normally do white, but this might've changed my mind. I loved the lace, the filigree, and the arms (sexy, yet arm-hiding? YAY)

Well, don't mind the look on my face but....Heres another dress. I love olive green, I love thin cotton, I love wrap dresses. Nothing more to say than that.

I want to say this was my favorite, but its really hard to choose. But this might be my favorite. I was totally suprised how good  this looked on me. ANOTHER GOOD PICK BY MICHELLE! And thank goodness I had just to happened to bring my belt along. Hehe.  Also, theres the suede fringe vest. A wonderful hippy-vest that I also fell in love with. It was a little bigger than I'd want, but it looked good. I was worn. Was it better being a little loose, or is fit more important? GUH!
And these...these are the ones I tried on at the local Free People store, which btw, was extremely small, and had POOR selection. But they were pretty.

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