Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Time to Kill

Well, I've been having an interesting few months.  For a few weeks of that time, I was living at my grandparents - I enjoyed my time there, even without having internet, and I ended up with a lot of time on my hands.  That resulted in me catching up on shows, spending quality time with my grandma, getting full nights of sleep like I hadn't had in months, healing physically and mentally, helping my mother with what I could since I was closer to where she was living, and, well, making lots more outfit collages. With all the hubbub of moving into my new apartment, I forgot to upload them once I had access to the interwebs again. So I finally remembered tonight.  They vary in styles drastically, which was fun for me. I was also able to go back on some old unfinished ones lurking in the depths of folders long forgotten in my computer, and make them complete (and updated).  Its interesting how back then, making those outfits, I thought they were great! Looking at them now, not so much, and the ones I make now, I think are GREAT! Heh. I wonder if a few years down the road I'll think the ones I post here are trash. Maybe I just see them through rose-colored glasses? Or maybe thats just how fashion is. Who knows what psychologically makes trends seem amazing and stylish and sexy at the time, but later down the road, look horrible.  There are a few things that stay the same, the classics, the wardrobe staples. Its even more interesting how fashions will turn from tacky, to fashionable again, in just a few generations.  I'd love to really waste all kinds of time debating and considering the psychology of fashion and culture. But I doubt anyone would want to do it with me :) I think its a fascinating subject, but its also subjective, and fluid, and will probably always be a mystery.  I love seeing fashion as an art form - but do other forms of art follow the same pattern? I guess maybe music comes the closest - but there are so many Art forms that stand the test of time, and really don't come as trends, but as landmarks throughout a social subconscious, always valued, always admired.  Maybe the reason for Fashion being seen as a temporary thing, with trends that eventually turn into jokes, has something to do with how fashion is so easily used to define people - and people are far more complex than definitions suggest, ultimately making Fashion seem a tool for a mediocre way of thinking, when really thats simply what people have done TO it, or WITH it, what have you, but its not what it IS. It's ultimately a form of self expression as much as any other Art form, except since it is worn on the body, carried with the person through lives and actions and personalities and a constant visual reference for a people and a culture, its turned into something else. If we took our sketchbooks and wore the pages stitched to ourselves to be worn daily through the fantastic and mundane of human life, the first thing anyone see's of you, then those sketches would become something other than a peice of yourself expressed on paper. It would become someone ELSE's definition of you. Other people's minds would twist the definition, unconciously, every time they saw you, because you wouldn't be presenting it as art, it would simply be the image that goes along with every word you speak and action you take and place you go - all these other parts of you that that one, single expression of yourself had nothing to do with.  So ultimately, Fashion as an art form succeeds better in photography, than in action of everday wear.  It feels right at the time, but the mindset of a society and culture will ultimately change what that expression means, leeching the YOU out of it until there is nothing left, and it becomes a joke.  Its unfortunate, but how the world works. So whatever, we enjoy it anyway, and thats why its a constantly changing growing re-inventing world, Fashion is. Stylists constantly striving to come up with something NEW and different. Letting your own mind make up what you think of something, rather than a culture's collective opinion of something taint your thoughts, will determine how much you will enjoy fashion. You either find parts of yourself or who you want to be in each piece of cloth, each shade of color, each length and trim and texture, or you will see what the world has shaped it to be. I guess I enjoy clothes and Fashion so much because borders and definitions and lines and labels have always blurred for me. They never really meant much - I saw them as manufactured right from the get go.  They can surely be convincing, and they can make things easier to handle, to understand, to generalize and make simpler in the mind - but they're not really needed, if you can look past them.  I don't look at every piece of shiny black leather and think dominatrix. I don't look at every piece of lace and think of a grandmother. I'm not afraid to put them together, or to wear one on a monday, and the other on a tuesday.  People shouldn't worry so much about "your not original- you look like everyone else!" or "your just trying to copy so and so" or "thats not in style anymore" or even /"you follow trends too closely!"  It really doesn't matter. Its amazing how much people care about what other people wear. You should wear what makes you feel more like yourself. It should inspire you to walk out the door and become MORE of yourself. To be confident, comfortable, even sexy if thats what you want. I know I enjoy something that makes me feel sexy, or feminine, or what have you. I also enjoy outfits that are gender neutral, or modest, professional, tomboyish, whatever. I love things that make me think of things I love - like how tweed makes me think of England, because of MY mind and thoughts and life and the things about England I love, not because of some general rule of something supposed to mean something else. Tweed makes other poeple think of stuffy uptight people. So then they don't wear it.  I'm not saying that clothing is merely for your own likes and interest, it is of course also for aiding you out in the world - meaning not only being warmth and cover and practicality, but also sending the message you chose to send to the people around you - whether its work, family, friends, strangers.  You either want to send the message - I'm professional and trustworthy,  or - I'm tough, and don't give a crap, or - I'm ready for a damn good time lets have some freaking fun - or even, well, come hither! Theres also some good "leave me alone" outfits out there.  Or "I'm sick, and feel like crap" and those outfits are mostly pajamas. ;)  Its certainly half and half, fashion is. You have to balance the message to yourself, and your message to the world, in each outfit.  Each situation or day or whatnot bearing more relevance in one of those messages over another.  Say, the days you dress for work, versus a night out on your birthday where you just wanna wear whatever makes you happy.  Totally different scenarios.  Its honestly fun dressing for both.  Not always of course - like wearing the longsleeve turtlenecks to cover the tattoos you know such-and-such will have a fit about, or wearing the heels you hate to impress a man who isn't worth it anyway.  Not always fun.  But anyway......This turned into something else, didn't it? I should probably post those damn collages!!  

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Weather Outside is Frightful

But collages are so delightful :)

Heres one I did today while waiting out the storm outside. Inspired by the arrival of fall weather. Cozy sweaters and boots, leg warmers and arm warmers, scarves and hats.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Casual Crystals and Lace

I know that usually when my outfit has a bunch of stones and crystals in the jewelry, its going to be a crazy summer piece with layers and texture and flare.  But I wanted to make a more causal outfit, still very stylish and enjoyable, with crystals as side pieces that make it pop with hints of personality. Its basic black and off-white, with some texture in the lace, but just casual jeans and basic little black boots.  I like how this is something much more easily worn around town without getting the sideways looks, but when they see the jewelry upclose its all "wow! I love that!"  Because that ring is just......magnificent. Ginormous crystal, dangling chains, linked to a simple silver ring to the side, its a two-for-one, only ring you'll ever need, amazing work of art.  I am ALL FOR wearing works of art. Isn't that what fashion is for? Clothes are for?  Art is so broad - it can be heard, worn, tasted, felt, made, read, watched, inhaled. My favorite is the wearing of it. Whether its tattoos, clothing, accessories, costumes, hair and makeup - its the funnest kind for me.  I've painted, done many other forms of art. But the kind you can wear just feels like it has so much more purpose, so much more use. I can take all the ideas and inspirations that are overflowing from my heart and mind, and wear them on my outside for everyone to see and hopefully use to understand me better. Theres parts of people you really never can understand unless they show you. You look at someone with lots of tattoos or interesting clothes or an interesting home decorated in wonders and things you've never seen before, and you think : "that person has a story or two, I can tell. That person is interesting, and I'd actually want to KNOW their story" and its always fun to dream them up, be inspired by them. Ever since I was a kid I looked up to those people, the ones that draw your eye, the ones who can inspire and spark interest with just one look in their direction.  I wanted to BE one of those people. I don't know if I am or not, but I have certainly had fun with my appearance when I can. Money, of course, is an issue. I spent my highschool years despairing for all the items I wanted and dreamed about but could never find or afford or fit into. I've gotten a much better wardrobe since then, one I'm starting to be rather proud of.  Its a slow process. But thats why I make these collages!  Helps to narrow down what items I want as well.  I'd love to have the items in this collage. The top and the cardigan and that RING especially.  *wistful sigh*  (You can imagine how expensive that ring is...)

Friday, September 6, 2013

New Winter Beauties

I've tossed a couple more collages together, there themes seeming to be winter and fall. Its at the tail end of summer, but rain has started so my thoughts are already in cooler weather.  Where jeans don't mean smothering death, dresses get shorter with leggings and tights, boots are expected, and jackets can finally be enjoyed.  I have a difficult time in the cold winter months, when no matter what I wear the bone-chilling temperatures destroy my body and wrack me with nerve pains I can't escape.  I adore fall though.  I would enjoy winter a lot more if I didn't have my various health problems.  But still, even though its torture in those months, I am usually determined to look good (at least when I go out) so I'm always looking for warm, fashionable, layering options. Its a lot easier when an event is indoors. Outdoors, I'm most likely to skip it altogether, because theres no fashionable option to keep me warm enough for surviving that. Having to bus everywhere is also an issue. I have to get through those hours of travel in the elements without feeling so miserable by the time I arrive that I just want to go home.  And of course, being bundled up in the cold and walking for hours, then coming into a warm cozy end up sweating immediately and ruining your hair and makeup! Ha. No winning. Thats why getting rides is amazing.  Or when Gabe drove....*wistful sigh*

Anyway, these outfits are for that in-between weather, not too hot, not too cold, sometime in autumn maybe.  Enjoy...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

3 AM Collaging

My brain...hurts....

I stayed up to finish here it is.

Yay summertime!   Goodnight now.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Mad Pinning Results

So, the past few days I've been pinning on Pinterest like a madwoman, and most of it clothes. The main theme behind the clothes I've been pinning is BADASS. So, lost of black, lots of leather, lots of amazingness.  I had hit a treasure trove or two of some stranger's boards and found some post-apocalyptic themes that had some amazing finds.  Normal everyday clothes mixed in with high fashion and fantasy.  Gotta say, I pinned nearly everything.  That mad pinning frenzy gave me a lot of fodder for my collage making, so tonight I tossed two outfits together using at least one item or more from my new collection of finds.  These aren't post-apocalyptic, just a bit awesome. There will always be that side of me that just wants to bathe in black and leather and feel like a million bucks and comfortable at the same time.  Black is my 'comfort-color'. Also my confidence color, so hey, how about that.  Good damn combo.  The second one I did had some high heels that I paired with it - which as I've mentioned, I cannot really wear high heels due to my medical condition and the pain they cause. But if I ever COULD wear heels, or if I ever dared it, I have some options there.  The outfit just didn't seem right without long slimming and badass heels. I imagined it being for a night-out, concert or party type deal. ANYWAY> Here they are.  (also I tagged one at the end that I did a little while ago, but forgot to post)

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Latest Greatest

SO In honor of the crazy heatwave going across the country, kicking off a sweaty summer, I wanted to post a recent "summer outfit" collage I made.  Its dear to my heart. I adore this one.  Makes me happy happy happy.

So happy summer!! :)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Maroon and Moonlight

Out on adventures on a cool spring or fall night? Need a little femininity in your badassery? Want to slog through puddles but keep some sex appeal? Then maybe an outfit like this would suit you. I love the leather, the maroon, the dress that shows off feminine shape and the leather wellies and snood to keep you dry and warm.  I think its called a snood.  Strangest word for an item of clothing I've heard yet. Just sayin.  WELL here it is. My newest little outfit.

Black Goes Best with More Black

I've always been a fan of all-black outfits. And this one is my favorite I've made so far.  One thing that I think makes all-black outfits more dynamic is patterns like lace, crochet, stripes, whatever you can find. Mixing sheers with solids.  And of course - some metallic jewelry. I chose silver for this one. I like to pair silver with blacks and greys and golds and bronzes with earth tones and colors.  Buts its not an absolute, just a general preference of mine.  SO, obviously theres a bit of silver in this one.  God I love this one. The hat, the shall, the tights, the drapey dress. LOVE IT.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Black and Leather, Please

I've been dying for some badass black and leather. If I had a choice, I'd probably wear that most of my life. But, alas, its an expensive look. Also, not always comfortable. But I tried to do this in a more suitable way for me - sexy and yet still comfortable. A loose tunic type top, leggings with leather and lace detail - lots of stretch and comfort but lots of edge and a touch of femininity. The boots are a boot point - any black leather boot would look great with this.  I also went for a slightly drapey look with the jacket so it meshes well with the top/tunic.  I love this outfit. I would wear this any day.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dream Closet Project

I've been working on this project to help satisfy my urge to have a wardrobe filled with everything I love.  I can't buy the stuff, but hey, I can dream.  So I started this series of collages, "dresses I'd want" or "bracelets I'd want" and so on.  This will be a huge post, and an unfinished one.  I'm sure there will be more to make.  And I might even change my mind on some items, and change things up, post the edits later. So here goes.