Monday, August 12, 2013

Mad Pinning Results

So, the past few days I've been pinning on Pinterest like a madwoman, and most of it clothes. The main theme behind the clothes I've been pinning is BADASS. So, lost of black, lots of leather, lots of amazingness.  I had hit a treasure trove or two of some stranger's boards and found some post-apocalyptic themes that had some amazing finds.  Normal everyday clothes mixed in with high fashion and fantasy.  Gotta say, I pinned nearly everything.  That mad pinning frenzy gave me a lot of fodder for my collage making, so tonight I tossed two outfits together using at least one item or more from my new collection of finds.  These aren't post-apocalyptic, just a bit awesome. There will always be that side of me that just wants to bathe in black and leather and feel like a million bucks and comfortable at the same time.  Black is my 'comfort-color'. Also my confidence color, so hey, how about that.  Good damn combo.  The second one I did had some high heels that I paired with it - which as I've mentioned, I cannot really wear high heels due to my medical condition and the pain they cause. But if I ever COULD wear heels, or if I ever dared it, I have some options there.  The outfit just didn't seem right without long slimming and badass heels. I imagined it being for a night-out, concert or party type deal. ANYWAY> Here they are.  (also I tagged one at the end that I did a little while ago, but forgot to post)

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