Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Casual and Rugged Browns and Greys

Heres another one I did recently, going a different direction than a lot of my "summer" ones. Not so much with the super-feminine, and not a dress for once. There's boots. Cause there's always gotta be boots. I imagined it being something I'd wear in the fall, or a mild winter, definitely outdoors and doing lots of walking.  Comfortable, kinda badass and rugged, but still looking good.  I don't know, this look doesn't appeal to some people, but its always been one of my favorites. Pants that can stand to have some dirt on them. Boots to last a lifetime and look better with age and use. Jacket to keep you warm. And looking as rugged and worn and beautiful as the stones and trees around you. Its clothing I feel tough in - not like, bad-ass tough but more like "I can withstand anything in this" tough.  Epic camping-wear. Perfect for tromping around Portland on its rainier days.  Tromping around anywhere really.  I dont know. I like it. So here it is!

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