Friday, October 14, 2011

In Love of Memories

I happen to have a love for taking pictures and saving pictures and a deep NEED for having physical evidence of memories worth keeping. Even some not worth keeping, but that's a vice I can't help.Sometimes I have SO MANY pictures of one event, I feel silly posting all of them and making people's head spin and consequentially avoid my photo albums due to a picture-overload. SO, for that and for myself, I started collaging pictures from events. Here's some examples of those!


White Sweaterdress Winter Collage
     This first one isn't one I'm particularly IN LOVE with, but I enjoyed making it. It was an experiment with an all-white dress with other white accents, really playing up a black/white contrast with varrying  greys just for fun. Some may say it needs color. I say.....I didnt want color.  I usually wouldnt wear so much white for fear of stains and it not being the most flattering of colors. But maybe someone, somewhere, would wear this.

Black Sweaterdress Winter Collage
         This one IS one of my favorites.  If I owned this dress I would probably wear it to death. I love black, I love this outfit. In this one, I DO enjoy the pop of color with all the black, and I just feel this is sexy and classy and unique.  This is what I'd strive to look like most days if I had the appropriate clothes to create it. But I'm still trying.

Because Fall is Here

        I thought this would be a proper collage to start out with, since I made this for the cold weather that comes in wonderful Fall and spiteful Winter. Sweater dresses are something I have a deep love for - not just because of the warmth they can give while still being sexy-dress material, but also the softness and texture and general feel of womanly awesomeness I get while wearing them. They also combine perfectly with the four other things I love DEARLY in the clothing department.....Boots, Tights/Leggings, Waist belts, and Trenchcoats.   As you can clearly see from this collage. This also shows my deep appreciation for earthy colors like browns, oatmeals, and various other neutrals.  The main reason why you'll see more than one jacket or shoe or various accessories than just one outfit would need, is because I like to show with each collage all the possible varieties you can explore with one dress or one outfit. I LOVE variety. And for some reason this is just how my collages end up.

To Begin

I've delved into the blogosphere with no intention of really sharing it with too many others. I've merely felt there was no true place for some things I adore or create and may not wish all prying eyes to dissect and converse about. I might one day feel brave enough to post this on my Facebook or something similar, but until then, its simply here for me to give home to things gathering metaphorical dust in my computer's file folders.

You see, I have a tendency, when bored and staying up too late, to collect hundreds of photos from websites of clothing items. Be it ones that inspire me, ones I would like to own, or ones I wish I could even attempt to wear. Even things that I think would look good on friends or family or some imaginary person in my head I like to pretend sometimes is me...Anyway.  That combines with something else. What started out years ago as me trying to translate my love for multi-media collage art forms (my favorite form of art that I do, hands down) into a growing relationship with computers and graphic design, I started putting together collages of a sort with Photoshop.  I had actually done this years ago with the simple Paint program and pictures of fabulously drawn fantasy art collected throughout the internet and shoved into a sloppy presentation that I used as desktop backgrounds.   But instead of trying to make a piece of art out of many artist's pictures to create a theme or emotion I wished to express, I combined the aforementioned interests with a third one....which is putting together outfits. As in, clothing. Dressing my friends like they were life sized dolls really gave me pleasure as a kid growing up, and dressing myself and others in whatever creative, simple, or interesting ways I could think of has continued in me no matter how much I've contested that urge with "Thats so frivolous!" or "Thats not ART" or "No body cares what styles you come up with and nothing's original anyway so STOP IT"....But, well, it hasn't left me. Putting together an outfit to me is like a large fabric art piece that differs with each person that wears it. Clothing, and all forms of physical self expression, is a never endingly creative type of art and I personally adore it.  But, well, since I don't really get a chance to dress every person I know, and it requires a grotesque amount of money to get anything these days, let alone clothing...I need to find another way to enjoy that art form, right? Well, out of all of that, came my Clothing Collages. And this blog is where I want to put them. I've been doing this for years and if you can look at the cluttered pictures and try and follow my strange train of thought for each piece...then hopefully I can put these up without making a fool out of  myself.

It just felt wrong not doing anything with them. And I can't say if they're good or not, but I have a bit of pride for each, just as much as I do for every painting I've ever done.  And like I said, not all of them are something I would wear, but some are. Maybe some are something you'd wear? I don't remember the websites I've gotten the pictures from, so I cant sit here and advertise for clothing companies and say "BUY THIS BRAND OMG I LOVE IT" ......I just kinda like what I like and you can usually find something similar if not exactly like it somewhere, anywhere.  So well...There it is! I'm sure you'll find other things on this blog too, like pictures of my cats, other art pieces, rants about books or politics or....well, probably not politics. We'll see. This is just a catch-all for all the things in my head and from it.  Enjoy! (Or not, thats perfectly ok too.)