Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Creating Projects For Myself

So, I've spent the past few days working on a project I've "assigned" myself, and it's been far too much fun.  You see, I've been feeling better physically and mentally and have been delving back into hobbies that had been collecting metaphorical (and literal, in some cases) dust, and collaging and fashion is one of them.  Even though I've gained weight, and half my closet isn't FITTING me right now, I've been trying to have more "fun" with my clothes when I get around for things.  I've been leaving the house more, and for far funner things than appointments for once, and decided I'm not going to neglect my need to enjoy my outfits. It's also an attempt to not feel like crap about how I look since I have gained the weight. I have a new body to dress, so my style is changing slightly. I'm trying to see it as a good thing - or at least not letting it make me upset.  While I'd LIKE to get new clothes  (the other day there were three separate RIPS coming from various items of clothing when bending over to tie my shoe...its just not good), I cannot right now, so I'm exploring the possible styles and items I might purchase when I have the chance through collages. I've decided I'm going to continue that "Dream closet" idea I had a while back, and actually complete it - and part TWO of that will be to create full outfits using ONLY the items I've chosen for that "closet".  This will be a test, seeing if the items I choose actually work together as a cohesive, dynamic wardrobe that would provide options for all the situations life gives me - professional wear for photoshoots and meeting clients, comfortable yet adult looking clothes for doctor appointments, casual fun clothes for hanging out with friends, some unique pieces for concerts and events, and casual clothes for home, exercising, camping, ect.   I've been starting with taking a style - t-shirts for example, and tossing in every one that I'd love to own and wear myself. I then narrow things down by limiting a certain amount of one color, putting into practice rules like 'having other colors besides black' and making sure I have neutrals and colors that complement my skin tone. I rule out anything that wouldn't actually look good on my body type, or something that realistically, I wouldn't wear no matter how much I love it.  Fabrics that would catch or get ruined because of my cats.  Things that are the wrong cut or shape. This STILL leaves me with tons of options so I try to make sure I don't have too many of the same style, and after finishing a few categories, I go back and compare them to each other, often finding I found a similar version of a shirt in each category.  Some I can't let go though. I'm SO one of those poeple who would have fifty different versions of a black button down shirt, simply because the length is different, the sleeves are different, the fabric is different.  That's pretty realistic, cause I'll wear tons of those all week, and can style them many different ways. So that's me "cheating" I guess.  This is also a "DREAM" closet so it is much bigger than what my realistic closet would be.  BUT, it's going to be incredibly fun when I get to the part where I make outfits from those selections - it scratches the "fashion itch" I get where I want to try on all the things and buy all the things because I constantly have outfit ideas floating around in my head and they NEED to be released!  This releases them. Without putting me in debt.   Oh, universe, thank you for not letting me have a credit card. That would just be....bad.

So, here's a few I've put together that I will probably refine even more as time goes on and I complete more "closet compilations".  I wanted them on the blog so I could look at them side by side, and really see what I can remove to make them more specific.  This is pretty much all the "tops", from tanks to tunics to button ups that are basically dresses or cardigans - works as both! So anyway.  Round 1 of Dream Closet - TOPS!

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