Monday, September 28, 2015

Summer to Fall

It's semi-officially autumn! I don't think the equinox has happened yet, but once that chill in the air arrives with colorful leaves on the ground, it's Fall.  Switched my summer dresses for sweater dresses and longsleeves in the closet, washed all my sweaters so they're fresh and ready for these BRR days (I hate that musty, dusty smell of clothes that have sat unworn for months).  Right now it's mainly BRRR in the morning and evening, but that will change soon enough!

I've been working on my project, and will keep updating when I feel they're complete. Right now, I'm doing a lot of comparison-elimination once I get a few "done", so they aren't really "DONE-done" until I've made ALL, compared them ALL and eliminated down to the perfect choices. Otherwise, it will be......a large collection.  How do you choose just ONE or TWO plaid shirts? I mean REALLY.  And lace detail shirts? Those henleys with the unique cuff details? ALL THE COLOR OPTIONS?!  I'm trying to find a balance between WANT and NEED :P Which, for those of us who loves the hard! I don't know how I'd pick a ten item only wardrobe, or a five item only, something like that.  I know thats a REALLY good idea, a minimalist wardrobe that is perfect for trips and such.  But I feel like my multiple personalities each need their own.  Har har.  Just kidding.  Style personalities, maybe.  I'm a bit of a chaotic when it comes to styles I like. Though, a refinement of my personal style is also part of this project.  What would I REALLY wear versus what I would just WANT to wear or own just because its pretty to look at? Trying to squeeze practicality into a project that flips my creativity switch on into high gear and my heart says "WEAR ALL THE THINGS" and my brain says "WHOA CALM DOWN THERE...but ok, It's pretty."   Hnnnngh.  I'm so visual, and when I see ten different black shirts that would otherwise look pretty much the same to someone else, I see every stupid detail that makes them each unique and wonderful and can't-live-without-able. Which is silly.  But the texture, cut, tiny details, length, weight of the fabric, the way it hangs, opacity even.  Each brings it's own thing to the table that the others don't have.  There is no perfect shirt with all the things, because they dont become special anymore when its combined. The specialness is in it's unique way it  Anyway.  Then I remind myself it's just a shirt and I need to just relax.


I made two (technically three but I'm not posting my third, it feels unfinished), collages where I only used things I picked out for my project, and it was fun. So much easier to toss together the outfit and a great way to see how the items I chose interact with each other.  Some of the accessories aren't part of the project because I haven't made those collages yet, but the main outfits, definitely.

The first one was in honor of the last bit of summer days we had, and inspired by the ivory tones of the dress I chose for it. I don't usually wear white, or lighter skewed neutrals, but it's been growing on me, particularly in certain forms - like lace, or summer dresses. I tried on what looked like a very nice white sweater, perfect for fall, and I looked like a freaking marshmallow on steroids. I mean seriously, my arms like ginormous. I'm not buff. I'm a bit soft, a bit chubby, but this thing made me look beefy.  Unpleasantly so.  BUT SOFT FLOWY FABRICS ARE DIFFERENT.  So this is what I made.  It didn't mesh super well and I was getting tired of looking at it eventually, so apologies for any awkward placements.

Next, I wanted to make a casual fall outfit that I would definitely wear, all the time. Comfortable, and still stylish enough to satisfy my greedy eyeballs that demand such things. At least, my version of stylish. Everyone's got their own "flavor"!
This one I was really proud of how I got it to mesh. And I added more stuff, socks, a notebook, things you'd see in outfit collages made on polyvore because you can look up more than just clothes to add to it, and I really liked how it turned out. I should collect more things like that to add to it. I feel it fleshes it out in a different way, gives it a little more life. I don't know. It's small, but really makes a difference for some reason! I also changed the models makeup (it was a bright orangey-pink on her lips, so I made it neutral, and darkened her eye makeup to something more smokey like what I'd do on myself) and even changed the nail polish, from a red to a nice grey.  I like grey. So sue me!

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