Sunday, March 10, 2013

Summertime Soon

Heres two more, these are my most recent ones.  In honor of Summer and Springtime, coming soon! I can feel it getting warmer!!

Favorites are Made, and Name Signing

So, the next few are some favorites I've made, and some of the first examples of me actually putting my name on these and trying to make them look 'nice' or whatever.

This one is just a basic casual outfit, comfy, neutral, blah blah. I LOVE big comfy drapey sweaters. And Feathers, of course. Always, feathers. And theres a feather-like pattern on the shirt too, or I guess more of a moth-wing pattern, but close, very close. Beautiful, too.  And I adore the boots. As usual.

These next are my favorites. The first one, is my absolute favorite favorite of anything, ever. The dress is stunning. The whole outfit is perfect.  I would wear this type of stuff everyday if I could. Its just my favorite one EVER!!

Ok, and this one is lovely too.  I dont know if it would look as good on me as it looks put together, but if not me, maybe someone else. I love creams, and soft greens, and lace, and just.....everything about this.


Hermoine and The Captian

Ok, so this one is a little silly.  For some reason, I got the idea to do "Character Inspired" collages.  I did two of them, and I am ambivalent about how they turned out, I was just messing around.  But I just couldn't NOT add them, you know?  So here goes.

Hermoine - best character ever from Harry Potter.  I have no idea if this is how she'd really dress, but this is how I would dress, inspired by her. Her casual wear seemed very perfect for england weather - jeans and henleys and plaid and nice but practical jackets.  I don't think she ever wore boots, but I love boots and I have to include them in everything so those were the most Harry Potter inspired boots I could find.

The next was harder, because it was a male character to female clothes.  I had a hard time of it, as you can probably tell.  But I wasn't going for Gold, I was just messing about.
Captain Reynolds, from Firefly.  O, Captian, my Captian, how I love thee. HAD to include the Brown Coat. Teehee.  Ok so maybe its not that bad.  Who knows. I kinda like it. It was hard getting those harnessy-belt-thingies photoshopped onto the outfit and look like it was on a real body.  There are some amazingly interesing harness-belt-thingies out there on the market nowadays - insanely expensive, yes, but if I had the money, I'd be buying them up like candy. Such a great way to have extra pockets all kinds of places.  And I just have an obsession with buckles and belts and having details and doodads everywhere. 

Bringing Badass to Casual and Classy, Alike

Here are a few more, with a new, more concise way of being put together that I'm trying.  More of a full outfit, without so many options.  A little less confusing, I hope! And a few might even have my name on them.  I'm trying to make them more....what, efficient maybe? I don't know.  Just trying it out.  I might need this to look more professional someday?  Most likely not though.  I've been headed in a different career direction lately. Makeup Artist! Who would've thought!?  Anyway, here's some more of my latest collages.

Heres a casual one, more on the badassery side, which I tend to prefer.  Greys and blacks are my favorite for some reason....They just are.  I got to play with some interesting jewelry here that I just LOVED, and the idea of necklace stacking, which was hard to show but hopefully people can use their imagination.  And I'm just in love with that leather satchel. Just Delicious. 

So this one, I'm not as sure about.  I was trying to think of a scenario, of say, a fancy artshow in Downtown Portland, or some kind of event, where I would need to look a bit more dressed up, but would still have plenty of room to show personality. I was also trying to combine feminine classy with hard-rock personality, something that doesn't usually meet.  I feel like it would've come together more if I'd including a model with hair and makeup to complete the whole look.  Its so hard to put the whole outfit into perspective when its forced to be in bits and pieces like this.  Looking back I might've messed with the proportions a bit, to help with perspective.  Oh well, is what it is! I can always go back later I guess, but I rarely have the patience too.

 This one is a "Summertime Badass" type deal, with more black and leather than the usual summer outfit idea.Glossy raven feathers in the jewelry, Black longsleeves but mesh and lightweight and airy.  Added one of those Galaxy printed pieces that are so popular nowadays. I love space, so I don't mind that trend at all, if its done right.  I figured this is nice and different. A summer evening with friends, going to a local band's concert or such.  Hanging out in the depths of youth and nighttime and endless possibilities.  I love it.  I'd most likely wear it, if it looked flattering on me. Maybe I'll find something like this to try, and see if it would. Thats one reason I make these.

Long Time, No Post, Woops!

So, for some reason I forgot I had this blog. AND I've made plenty of collages, even started putting my name on em' so people know I actually made them and not just stole them from other people.  Because I'm finding more and more people make these than I ever thought.  And here I was, thinking I was doing something unique! Sigh. So much for that.  BUT I still enjoy making these, even though they serve no purpose.  They're still fun.  I've even started a project called "My Dream Closet" which I'll address later, in bits, when I'm finished.  Theres way tooooo many collages involved in that to start now.  I'll see where I left off, and post a couple I've made since last I logged in.

 These are some I've done for my friend Kerrilynn, she saw my past ones and wanted me to make some to fit her style sense, sort of a long-distance stylist in a way of mere suggestion and ideas, since I can't actually buy her these things or help her try them on or even tell her where to buy them really.  She enjoyed it, and it was a fun exercise for me too.