Sunday, March 10, 2013

Favorites are Made, and Name Signing

So, the next few are some favorites I've made, and some of the first examples of me actually putting my name on these and trying to make them look 'nice' or whatever.

This one is just a basic casual outfit, comfy, neutral, blah blah. I LOVE big comfy drapey sweaters. And Feathers, of course. Always, feathers. And theres a feather-like pattern on the shirt too, or I guess more of a moth-wing pattern, but close, very close. Beautiful, too.  And I adore the boots. As usual.

These next are my favorites. The first one, is my absolute favorite favorite of anything, ever. The dress is stunning. The whole outfit is perfect.  I would wear this type of stuff everyday if I could. Its just my favorite one EVER!!

Ok, and this one is lovely too.  I dont know if it would look as good on me as it looks put together, but if not me, maybe someone else. I love creams, and soft greens, and lace, and just.....everything about this.


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