Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hermoine and The Captian

Ok, so this one is a little silly.  For some reason, I got the idea to do "Character Inspired" collages.  I did two of them, and I am ambivalent about how they turned out, I was just messing around.  But I just couldn't NOT add them, you know?  So here goes.

Hermoine - best character ever from Harry Potter.  I have no idea if this is how she'd really dress, but this is how I would dress, inspired by her. Her casual wear seemed very perfect for england weather - jeans and henleys and plaid and nice but practical jackets.  I don't think she ever wore boots, but I love boots and I have to include them in everything so those were the most Harry Potter inspired boots I could find.

The next was harder, because it was a male character to female clothes.  I had a hard time of it, as you can probably tell.  But I wasn't going for Gold, I was just messing about.
Captain Reynolds, from Firefly.  O, Captian, my Captian, how I love thee. HAD to include the Brown Coat. Teehee.  Ok so maybe its not that bad.  Who knows. I kinda like it. It was hard getting those harnessy-belt-thingies photoshopped onto the outfit and look like it was on a real body.  There are some amazingly interesing harness-belt-thingies out there on the market nowadays - insanely expensive, yes, but if I had the money, I'd be buying them up like candy. Such a great way to have extra pockets all kinds of places.  And I just have an obsession with buckles and belts and having details and doodads everywhere. 

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